Security and Compliance

Patch Tuesday May 2024: Critical Vulnerability Roundup 

Topics: Security and Compliance

Welcome to Recast Software’s inaugural Patch Tuesday blog post. This month, Microsoft addresses 59 vulnerabilities across its ecosystem, with notable updates including two zero-day exploits. This is more than a 50% reduction in vulnerabilities compared to the April 2024 Microsoft vulnerability numbers. Hopefully this trend lower will continue. 

Here are the critical vulnerabilities of special note. 

Windows DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2024-30051) 

This zero-day vulnerability affects the Windows Desktop Window Manager (DWM) Core Library. A heap-based buffer overflow allows local attackers to gain SYSTEM-level privileges. This vulnerability is rated high with a CVSS score of 7.8, impacting Windows 10 and above, including Windows Server 2016 and later. 

Impact: Exploitation can lead to SYSTEM-level access, enabling attackers to install software, alter data, and modify system settings. 

Windows MSHTML Platform Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2024-30040) 

This zero-day in the MSHTML platform (used in applications like Microsoft 365) allows attackers to bypass security features. Rated high with a CVSS score of 8.8, it targets Windows 10 and above. 

Impact: Successful exploitation can lead to arbitrary code execution, allowing attackers to compromise systems by getting users to interact with malicious documents. 

Remote Code Execution in Microsoft SharePoint Server (CVE-2024-30044) 

A critical vulnerability in SharePoint Server due to untrusted data deserialization. This vulnerability has a CVSS score of 8.8 and affects SharePoint Server 2016 and 2019. 

Impact: Allows attackers with basic permissions to execute code remotely, potentially leading to malware deployment or data extraction. 

Remote Code Execution in Microsoft Excel (CVE-2024-30042) 

This vulnerability affects Microsoft Excel due to improper deserialization of untrusted data. It has a CVSS score of 7.8 and requires user interaction to exploit. 

Impact: Opening a malicious Excel file can lead to arbitrary code execution, potentially compromising the system. 

Find Microsoft’s complete May 2024 Patch Tuesday release notes here

Stay Updated and Secure 

It’s essential to prioritize these updates to safeguard your systems against potential threats. Neglecting to patch these vulnerabilities can leave your organization open to significant risks, including data breaches and malware attacks. By staying up to date with the latest patches, you not only protect your network but also ensure the stability and security of your IT environment. 

To further streamline and secure your patch management process, Application Manager offers a catalog of over 2,500 applications and advanced automation capabilities, while simplifying the complex task of keeping your 3rd party applications secure and up to date. Learn more about Application Manager here.

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