ConfigMgr Console

Connect to Network Folder

Topics: ConfigMgr Console

Task Sequence Steps – Connect to Network Folder

This post is part of our Task Sequence – Beyond the Docs series.

This step allows you to map a drive to a network share during the Task Sequence. This works in WinPE or the Full OS, and requires you to use an account that has permissions to the share you’re mapping to.

MS Docs:


Not much to this, it’s mapping a drive. I’ve used this before others steps that require access to a specific network location for copying logs, or reading a file from the network, or even copying WIMs after updating them with OSD Builder.

Connect to Network Folder 1

Common Issues

  • Typos, a path that doesn’t actually exist.
  • Credentials, the account has wrong password or no rights to the path you’ve specified.
<h2 id="<strong>More-Task-Sequence-Steps-–-Beyond-the-DocsMore Task Sequence Steps – Beyond the Docs

Find all of our Task Sequence – Beyond the Docs series posts here.

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