ConfigMgr Console

Building a ConfigMgr Lab from Scratch: Step 1 – Domain Controller VM

Topics: ConfigMgr Console

Building a ConfigMgr Lab from Scratch: Step 1

Setting up the Domain Control, with DNS & DHCP

This post will be going over creating the Domain Controller for the Lab. This will be the basic setup, as we’ll be revisiting the Domain Controller later when we need to extend the schema and start adding additional users and groups into the mix. For now, we’re just going to get it functional, with DNS & DHCP. This post is 99% pictures, not much text. If you have questions along the way, reach out via twitter.


  • Domain Controller
    • Name:
    • LAN 1: Static IP (Internal Lab Network)
    • Windows Roles: Domain Controller, DHCP, DNS
    • C Drive = 100GB (1 Virtual Disk)
    • Memory = 2GB
    • CPU = 2 Cores
Virtual Machine Connection

Installed the ADDS via PowerShell: Install-windowsfeature -name AD-domain-services – IncludeManagementTools [MS Docs]

Once installed, you can run the Domain Controller Wizard [MS Docs]

Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard

Since this is a new domain, I’m picking Add a new forest.

Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard

I choose to install DNS as well at this time, as this will be the DNS server for my lab.  I then pick a password and save it.

Active Directory Domain Service Configuration Wizard

This is expected.

Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard

This field will auto populate based on your forest name

Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard

These are the defaults.

Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard

Prereq check passed and Install is now getting clicked.

DNS Manager

Once Complete, open the DNS Manager and setup my DNS Forwarders [MS Docs PowerShell].

Add Roles and Features Wizard

I then add DHCP, while I could have done this with PowerShell, I didn’t look up the code, so I’m just using the Wizard this time. If you want to dig in, more in in [MS Docs PowerShell].

Add Roles and Features Wizard

Confirmation… sure.

Add Roles and Features Wizard
DHCP Post-Install Configuration  manager
One Complete, it shows the results, you can then click on “Complete DHCP configuration”
DHCP Post Install Configuration Wizard

I use the Admin Account that I’m currently logged on with to authorize the DHCP.

DHCP Post-install Configuration Wizard

It then setups up DHCP.

Virtual MAchine Connection

Now that DHCP is installed, we need to setup a Scope.  Right click on Ipv4 and setup new Scope [MS Docs].

New Scope Wizard

Name it something meaningful to you.

New Scope Wizard

You then setup your range for DHCP and your subnet mask.

New Scope Wizard

If you have any machines that use Static IPs in that range, make sure you exclude them

New Scope Wizard

I left the default here.

New cope Wizard configure DHCP Options

There are several DHCP options, only a few you must have, but others like PXE you can setup later

Router default gateway

I added the IP for my Gateway PC.

Domain Name and DNS Server

I also make sure it has the domain name and the IP of the domain controller.

WINS Server

I don’t bother with WINS.

Activate scope

Heck yes I want to activate the scope.

DHCP Address Pool

And now I have the scope setup, as you bring machines online, and they get address from DHCP, they will start to populate here.

On the DC, you also need to install the C++ Runtime which will allow you to extend the schema for CM.  You can grab the C++ you need from the ConfigMgr Disc.

DiscSMSSETUPBINX64vcredist_x64.exe – If you don’t have that installed, you’ll get errors when you try to extend schema.

Conclusion – Domain Controller VM

So that is the fundamentals of setting up the DC. We’ll get into the Group Policy, Users and Groups in an upcoming post.  If you’re following a long, at this point, you should have your gateway and domain controller. You’ll want to go back and add your gateway server into the domain if you did create that before the DC.

Building a ConfigMgr Lab from Scratch Series

Series Introduction – Building a CM Lab from Scratch

  1. Setting up your Domain ControllerYou are Here
  2. Creating a Router for your Lab using Windows Server
  3. Certificate Authority – On Domain Controller [Optional]
  4. ConfigMgr Server Pre-Reqs (Windows Features)
  5. Configuration Settings (AD & GPOs)
  6. Source Server (File Share)
  7. ConfigMgr SQL Install
  8. ConfigMgr Install
  9. ConfigMgr Basic Settings
  10. ConfigMgr Collections & App Deployment
  11. ConfigMgr OSD
  12. ConfigMgr Reporting Services
  13. Cloud Management Gateway (CMG) – Certs PreReq
  14. Cloud Management Gateway (CMG) – Azure Subscription
  15. Azure Services Connection
  16. Setting up CMG in the Console
  17. Cloud Management Gateway (CMG) – Post CMG Config
  18. Cloud Management Gateway – Client CMG Endpoints

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