Right Click Tools

How to Automate Deployment of Right Click Tools Community

Topics: Right Click Tools

How to Automate Deployment of Right Click Tools Community

This post covers the automated deployment of the Recast Right Click tools Community version.  Using the Script provided and leveraging the ConfigMgr App Model, you’ll be able to:

  • Install the Recast Right Click Tools MSI
  • Copy 3rd Party Tools (PsExec / Explorer++) locally
  • Copy a Pre-Created configuration.xml file into each profile
  • Modify a current configuration.xml file in each profile
  • Log install process

Completed Source Folder:

Completed Source Folder:
Completed Source Folder:

Creating the configuration.xml file for your source.
Install the Recast Right Click Tools on one machine, and open the configuration tool:

Install the Recast Right Click Tools on one machine

Configure all the settings you want as your default settings, then copy it to your source file.

Configure all the settings

You can grab the script HERE & and the Logo below:

Recast Software logo

Now that you have your Source Files, lets create the Application.

Create the application

Fill in the Name and as much / little info as you want.

Specify the Software Center entry

The Icon is available in the download link above.

Specify settings for this deployment type

Use the Script Installer.

Use the Script Installer

Install: Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File “Install_RecastRCT.ps1”
Uninstall: msiexec /x RecastRCT_FILENAME.MSI /qn (You could script this as well)

Detection rule

Detection is the MSI… just browse for the MSI and it will populate for you.

User experience settings
Confirm the settings

And now it’s Deployed and in Software Center:

And now it’s Deployed and in Software Center
And now it’s Deployed and in Software Center

When installing, you can monitor with the custom log file C:programdataRecast SoftwareRecastRCT_AppModel_Install.log

See exactly what the Script does
See exactly what the Script does.

Conclusion: How to Automate Deployment of Right Click Tools Community

Now that you have an easy way to deploy the Right Click Tools along with managed settings, go out and use the tools.  

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